Worlds within Worlds!
Comic book stories grouped by genre with content labels based on the MPAA film rating system. Unless otherwise noted, I'm the sole author.
Family-Friendly Comics For Everyone
Family-friendly stories designed to entertain a general audience.
The Null Device
Sci-fi action stories featuring Agent K, Mecanica, Delgada, and others from this growing saga.
Autobiographical stories that helped shape Your Hero into the man he is.
Accidental Genius
Experimental one-page comics created from demonstration tools of my Art of the Comic Book class. The raw material was random ink marks (compass-drawn circles, 1-point perspective, Ames lettering guides) on expensive sheets of bristol paper.
Fan art for Dark Knight on a Dark Night, an annual exhibition hosted by legendary comic book store Hub Comics. My contributions involve Yvonne Craig as Batgirl from Batman '66. BATMAN and all related characters & elements are trademarks and copyrights of DC Comics. All other trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.
Doctor Who
Fan art and comics about a time traveling weirdo. DOCTOR WHO and all related characters & elements are trademarks and copyrights of BBC. All other trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.
24-Hour Comics
An international challenge to produce a 24-page comic (normally a month’s amount of work) in 24 consecutive hours. This annual tradition was founded by Scott McCloud in 1990. Participating artists include Dave Sim, Neil Gaiman and Kevin Eastman.
Naughty Comics For Adults
Naughty comics with elements of social content, harsh language, and graphic sex or violence.